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Machine and service overview

Lix infrastructure guide

The Lix infrastructure is maintained with Nix code at

Updated 2 days ago by irenes

Working with S3

Lix infrastructure guide

Introduction We use garage, an open-source server compatible with Amazon's S3 API, hosted on our ...

Updated 2 days ago by irenes


Lix contributors Working in the Lix codebase

What is Gerrit and why do people like it? Gerrit is a code review system from Google in a similar...

Updated 1 week ago by Qyriad

Assigning Groups

Lix infrastructure guide Auth/SSO systems

See How do permissions work? for implementation details. tldr; Go to the admin console (no trail...

Updated 2 weeks ago by hexchen

Release names

Lix contributors

Release names are the names of frozen desserts. There's a list on Wikipedia of frozen desserts, b...

Updated 2 weeks ago by irenes


Lix contributors Working in the Lix codebase

The Lix repository contains multiple releases in parallel. The branches work as follows: main. ...

Updated 3 weeks ago by jade

RISC-V support

Lix contributors Working in the Lix codebase

Goal: install lix on a riscv64-linux system The target is a DevTerm R-01, so it's an AllWinner D1...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Becca out of free disk 2024-06-09

Lix infrastructure guide Postmortems

The buildbot box was returning "no free space" to basically any btrfs operation including collect...

Updated 4 weeks ago by jade

Improving build times

Lix contributors Working in the Lix codebase

Setup Use a clang stdenv: nix develop .#native-clangStdenvPackages Then delete build/ if you were...

Updated 1 month ago by jade


Lix contributors Style Guide

Code changes Tests If at all practicable, all new code should be tested to some extent. If writin...

Updated 1 month ago by Puck Meerburg

Lix Beta Guide

Lix contributors

Thank you for choosing to help us in our beta! There is a lot of work-in-progress documentation a...

Updated 1 month ago by jade

Community Standards

Lix organisation

This is an interim set of Lix Community Standards, to be reviewed and revised further when the go...

Updated 1 month ago by jade

Forgejo improvements

Lix infrastructure guide Tooling improvements

A brief overview of our code infrastructure for those not in the Lix project: Forgejo https://g...

Updated 1 month ago by jade


Lix contributors Design documents

This page documents the dreams of the Lix team. These are features which we have generally not ro...

Updated 1 month ago by Qyriad

How do permissions work?

Lix infrastructure guide Auth/SSO systems

In an ideal world, all permissions are managed directly in Keycloak and propagated down to downst...

Updated 1 month ago by jade

Building Locally

Lix contributors Working in the Lix codebase

See in the Lix repo for the main documentation. Extra tips can go here.

Updated 1 month ago by Qyriad

Changing names, emails, etc

Lix infrastructure guide Auth/SSO systems

The Lix project endeavours to not deadname people, because we believe in human decency. However, ...

Updated 2 months ago by jade

Matrix rooms

Lix organisation

Since Matrix is haunted sometimes, here is a list of rooms in the public Lix space: Public spac...

Updated 2 months ago by jade

Why Lix?

Lix contributors

(page under construction. editor's note: parts of (PRIVATE)...

Updated 2 months ago by Qyriad

Buildbot runbook

Lix infrastructure guide

Our buildbot instance has a habit of breaking due to excess load. Restarting the worker If the wo...

Updated 2 months ago by Qyriad