Style Guide
Not just about code, a style guide is a list of decisions we've made, that we want to be consistent about going forwards. It does not need to be comprehensive of all possible issues, nor does it need to confine itself to trivial topics such as formatting. It's a tool for ourselves so we don't forget where we've been, and can avoid solving the same problems again.
Don't be shy about adding to it. Things written here do impose some burden, but the hope is that they lessen other burdens in the long run. Use your judgement about what's worth it.
Please fix style issues in existing code as you encounter them. Style is aspirational, a journey not a destination. :)
Language and terminology
Language Most existing Lix documentation is written in British English. We intend to continue wit...
Code changes Tests If at all practicable, all new code should be tested to some extent. If writin...
Operational Conventions Code Review Self Stamping and Merging On our Gerrit, core members have pe...